Monsters Weekly 161 - Simple Retry Policy with Polly

Exceptions in production are a matter of course for any distributed application like a web app. Instead of just crashing the application when an error occurs we can sometimes be a little smarter. In this episode we take a look a the Polly library for handling transient faults.

Monsters Weekly 160 - Azure App Config for Full Framework

In the last episode dealing with Azure App Config,(found here:…) we used App Config in a .NET Core project. It is also possible to upgrade your older apps to make use of this tooling. App.config and Web.config can also take advantage of using Azure App Config

Monsters Weekly 159 - Managing Database Migrations

When dealing with changes to a database schema, it’s important to manage those changes in a way that is repeatable across your team and various environments. Watch as Simon and James us DbUp to add database migrations to an existing database and immediately level up on DevOps for that project.

Monsters Weekly 158 - Azure App Configuration

One of the services I forget about in Azure is Azure App Configuration. It allows you to maintain sets of variables across environment with ease. In this episode we’ll get a little into how to use it.

Monsters Weekly 157 - C# 8 Default Implementationss

Default implementations in C# 8 allow you to adapt your interfaces as your product changes without having to go back and fix a whole bunch of code you’ve already written.

Monsters Weekly 156 - Publishing to Nuget with GitHub Actions

In our continuing series about GitHub actions, we’re going to upload our package to NuGet thus automating our entire release process.

Monsters Weekly 155 - C# range operator

C# 8 adds a range operator to allow you to take slices of an array easily. In this episode, we’ll look at that and at array segments.

Enhancing Application Insights Request Telemetry

A continuation in my series of love letters about Application Insights. Today I explore a method of enhancing the request telemetry that is automatically collected by the Application Insights SDK.

Monsters Weekly 154 - Integration Testing in ASP.NET Core with Alba

In this continuation of Episode #152 (, Dave uses the GitHub Actions release trigger to generate a release version of a NuGet package that links back to the release notes on GitHub.

Monsters Weekly 153 - Releasing NuGet Packages with GitHub Actions

In this continuation of Episode #152 (, Dave uses the GitHub Actions release trigger to generate a release version of a NuGet package that links back to the release notes on GitHub.