The Monsters Weekly - Episode 144 - Parsing Command Line Arguments

Parsing command-line arguments in .NET applications has always been a bit of a pain. There are lots of libraries which make things easier. In today’s episode, we look at System.CommandLine and how it magically makes parsing arguments a snap.


The Monsters Weekly - Episode 143 - Sending Trace Logs to Application Insights

This week, we continue our exploration of Application Insights. Watch Dave configure an ASP.NET Core to send all log message to Application Insights and we also dip our toes into writing Log Analytics queries.

The Monsters Weekly - Episode 142 - Customizing Application Insights using Telemetry Initializers

This week, we continue our mini series exploring Application Insights. Monster Dave shows us the importance of setting a Cloud Role Name and how to do that using a custom telemetry initializer.

The Monsters Weekly - Episode 141 - Getting started with Application Insights and ASP.NET Core

Application Insight can provide you with tons of useful information about how your application is performing. In this week’s episode, Dave shows us how to get started with Application Insights and ASP.NET Core.

The Monsters Weekly - Episode 140 - Microservices using Endpoint Routing

A microservice, by definition, should be small. Just how small could we make a microservice using ASP.NET Core. In this week’s episode, Dave explores building a microservice without using API Controllers.

The Monsters Weekly - Episode 139 - Endpoint Routing

The EndpointRoutingMiddleware in ASP.NET Core provides a more consistent approach to configuring routes in ASP.NET Core 3. In this week’s episode, Monster Dave takes a look at the changes introduced in ASP.NET Core 3 and how to use the UseRouting and UseEndpoints methods when configuring your HTTP Pipeline.

The Monsters Weekly - Episode 137 - Deploying to a Windows Service

In today’s episode, Monster Dave creates a worker service that can be hosted on Windows as a Windows Service.

The Monsters Weekly - Episode 138 - NDepend

NDepend allows you to gain insights into how well your codebase is constructed and where you should focus your refactoring and bug prevention time. In this episode, we just scratch the surface of it.

The Monsters Weekly - Episode 136 - Introduction to ML.NET

A very brief introduction to ML.NET for doing sentiment analysis.

The Monsters Weekly - Episode 135 - HostBuilder changes in ASP.NET Core 3

ASP.NET Core 3.0 has been officially released! In this week’s episode, Dave takes a look at the changes to the new default HostBuilder that bootstraps all ASP.NET Core processes.