The Monsters Weekly - Episode 114 - Progressive Web Applications

After a long hibernation the Monsters roar back with a discussion of the power of Progressive Web Applications

Loading Related Entities with Dapper Many-to-One - Part 2

This is a part of a series of blog posts on data access with Dapper. In today's post, we look at a second option for loading Many-to-One related entities.

Loading Related Entities: Many-to-One

This is a part of a series of blog posts on data access with Dapper. In today's post, we will start our journey into more complex query scenarios by exploring how to load related entities. There are a few different scenarios to cover here. In this post we will be covering the Many-to-One scenario.

Using Stored Procedures to Load Data with Dapper

Let's just get this one out of the way early. Stored procedures are not my favorite way to get data from SQL Server but there was a time when they were extremely popular. They are still heavily used today and so this series would not be complete without covering how to use stored procedures with Dapper.

Loading an Object From SQL Server Using Dapper

I was recently asked to create a read-only web API to expose some parts of a system's data model to third party developers. While Entity Framework is often my go-to tool for data access, I thought this was a good scenario to use Dapper instead. This series of blog posts explores dapper and how you might use it in your application. Today, we will start with the basics of loading and mapping a database table to a C# class.

Angular Testing Patterns - TestBed

Spec files are automatically generated by Angular 5’s CLI but most projects leave them empty. Why not actually write some tests? This post covers some useful patterns to make the whole process as painless as possible.

The Monsters Weekly - Episode 113 - Authorize Resource Tag Helper

ASP.NET Core has a powerful mechanism for implementing resource-based authorization using the IAuthorizationService and resource-based AuthorizationHandlers. In this week’s video, Monster Dave builds a tag helper that makes it simple to use resource-based authorization to Razor views without writing any C# code in the view.

Related Links:
Blog Post -
Official ASP.NET Core Docs -
NuGet Package:

Authorize Resource Tag Helper for ASP.NET Core

ASP.NET Core has a powerful mechanism for implementing resource-based authorization using the IAuthorizationService and resource-based AuthorizationHandlers. In this blog post, we build a tag helper that makes it simple to use resource-based auhtorization to Razor views without writing any C# code in the view.

The Monsters Weekly - Episode 112 - Migrating Knockout to React

The AllReady project has grown over the years and in order to keep it fresh, we’d like to try moving from Knockout to React for our client-side components. In this episode, Simon takes us through replacing a small Knockout component with an equivalent React component

The Monsters Weekly - Episode 111 - Authorize Tag Helper

In this episode, Monster Dave builds a new tag helper that makes it easy to control access to any block HTML in a Razor view. Join us for a tour of the Authorize tag helper

Related Links:
Tag Helper Samples Reop -
GitHub Issue for MVC Core  -
Blog Post Deep Dive -