Over the last decade as Monsters we’ve been so fortunate to connect with so many great people in the industry. In this 5 part series leading up to episode 200 we reconnect with some of the visionaries, teachers, mentors and community members who have inspired us along the way.
In part 2 we catch up with Entity Framework advocate and specialist Julie Lerman. Julie’s been on the front lines seeing all the updates, staying connected to the EF team and presenting live (when legal!). Long time author, mentor and trainer, Julie’s known for jumping in and helping teams discover approaches to solving data problems.
In this episode we talk through the state of EF, upgrading from version to version, Cosmos DB, domain driven design, snow and kidnapping. Unfortunately, we were not able to settle who has the best maple syrup.
Settle in, have a coffee for Julie and sit back while we chew on all things EF Core (and more!).
Referenced in the show:
Vladik Khononov https://twitter.com/vladikk?lang=en
EF Core https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/ef/core/
On Github: https://github.com/dotnet/efcore
Julie’s Pluralsight Courses: https://www.pluralsight.com/authors/julie-lerman